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On main page there're area about the system present on the installation. The areas are: temperature control area, home status area (automation and audio) and security area (bug allarm and CCTV area)
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Data passing through the cloud (e.g. remote visualization of answering machine registrations from the app) are encrypted
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In autoswitching ON mode the speaker is immediately active but the microphone must be manually enabled by clicking on its icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen
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You can delete your account by the APP , in the welcome page, there is a "delete account" button.Pushing that button the delete account procedure starts.
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Answering machine service allows to recorded in your absencey a Entrance Panel audio/video messages.On HOMETOUCH or smartphone by APP you can turn on/off answering machine service and play messages recordered into HOMETOUCH Delete messages, welcome message setting and recording quality setting are functions available only on HOMETOUCH (no smartphone)
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You can control as many Voice Control Alexa as you want from your account.
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You can have 1 up to 10 HOMETOUCHYou could connect all on the same Door Entry System bus maximun 5 HOMETOUCH (each one with it's dedicated power supply)From 6 to 10 HOMETOUCH it's necessary realize a Door Entry System Expansion; for more details read Doo Entry System technical guideOnly one HOMETOUCH must be sincronized to the APP
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The green led means HOMETOUCH is communicating with External Pannel/camera
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