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Depending on your smartphone settings, updating your application is either carried out automatically or must be done manually via Google Play and the App Store.
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You can manage up to two lights per command: single light, group of different lights, general command.
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You can control all the smart home skill available on the installation.
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De Digital Controls app geeft maar 10 wifinetwerken weer. Scrol naar beneden in de lijst om de pagina te vernieuwen en kijk of uw wifinetwerk nu wel verschijnt.De Digital Controls app werkt niet met een openbaar wifinetwerk (hotspot) of het wifinetwerk van een bedrijf. Dat soort netwerken staat dan ook niet in de lijst. Als uw persoonlijke wifinetwerk niet in de lijst van voorgestelde netwerken staat, moet u eerst controleren of uw smartphone zich wel binnen het ontvangstbereik van het netwerk bevindt. Ga indien nodig dichter bij de router staan. Als uw wifinetwerk nog steeds niet in de lijst van beschikbare netwerken verschijnt, is het wellicht verborgen. Voer dan handmatig de SSID (de naam) van uw netwerk in.
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Use help menu from your App -> Hamburger menu -> Support-->Select "Send device data", choose which Voice Control Alexa you want to attach log and write your description of the problem-->Press send
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For each Classe 100Xit is possible to associate more than one account.Tested up to 20 accounts.​
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Temporary activation / deactivation of a user is not foreseen as the invitation or cancellation operation is simple and achievable in few seconds.See FAQ How can I disable a user / account to access my system?
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From the Home + Security App you can manage: always available: main lock control must be eneble in the Home + Security App: staircase light control additional services: if the video door entry unit has been programmed to manage further gates / locks / drives by means of the physical configuration of the Classe 100X (seat M), the same can be managed from the App
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It is possible to use the same account on different smartphones with the limitation of a maximum of 20 between smartphones and accounts.
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You can invite new guests to manage your system directly from the Home + Security app.From settings at the top left of the app, click on Manage my guests / Add user and follow the instructions.
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